Welcome! My name is Madison Fruitman and I'm so thrilled you've taken the time to explore my site.
I fell in love with Yoga at a young age, drawn to its' many diverse benefits. It relieves tension, builds strength, and serves as a valuable tool to help cope with anxiety and stress. Beyond all of this, Yoga is a lifestyle, and a journey towards getting to know your true self better, on a deeper level. In developing my own practice, I learned to lean on Yoga as the yin to balance out the yang of my fast-paced career in television production. Eager to share these teachings with others, I obtained my 200 hour yoga teaching certification in 2016, under the guidance of Marianne Wells Yoga School in Costa Rica. I brought this knowledge back home to Toronto, where I partnered with a local spa and began building a community of practice through weekly classes, workshops and annual retreats.
In my classes you can expect to cultivate a deep connection between breath and movement. I encourage you to work hard, while maintaining a connection to your body's individual needs. My intention is to meet you wherever you are that day, building a customized practice that honours your strengths and limitations, rather than simply offering standardized poses. As a teacher, I love combining creative sequences with a spirit of playfulness and a dose of inspiration, to help deepen your practice. Yoga is about quieting the mind, connecting to the breath, and freeing the body on the mat, and I feel if you cultivate these mindful meditative practices, you can translate those benefits to life off the mat.